Será que alguém conhece a sensação de totalmente perdido. Estou me sentido assim às 3h13 da manhã de uma quinta-feira. Acabei de realmente conhecer uma pessoa que sou loucamente apaixonado e me decepcionei. Percebi que minha paixão, uma das únicas vezes que eu posso afirmar categoricamente que me senti apaixonado (a primeira, no total são duas), era direcionada a um modelo que eu criei na minha cabeça que não corresponde em nada com a realidade, ou melhor quase nada. Estou triste, muito triste e quero dormir. Parece que todos os meus sentimentos se esvaíram ralo abaixo... Acho que estou beirando o vazio. Por que eu não vou dormir e sonhar com um dia melhor?
It feels so damn empty; it feels that all money you owe me from renting my mind isn´t enough to bury my thoughts or to rebuild my confidence in you. I´ll sleep now.
Segue uma carta irremetível que escrevi.
You should pay rent on my mind for every night I spend alone in my room wondering how beautiful our children would be, thinking on our very first kiss (if I would place my hand onto your hair and press you gently against my lips so you could feel the tender warmth being released from my soul into your life.)
You should pay rent on my mind for every minute I wonder off my attention from my own existence pointing it at you while picturing your allure silluette defined on our bed sheets after an intimate fulfilling moment of love where our beings become a perfect match before God´s hands.
You should pay rent on my mind for every detail I picture from your charming eyes and how lovely you look so everyone´s breathless gazing your aura (for a second the air inside our room would vanish so you could float your way thru me delighting our very selves.)
You should pay rent on my mind for being just you.
A frase "You should pay rent on my mind" vem de uma poesia do Ian Mackey, do Fugazi. Toda a elaboração que se segue tem a minha inspiração.
You should pay rent on my mind for every night I spend alone in my room wondering how beautiful our children would be, thinking on our very first kiss (if I would place my hand onto your hair and press you gently against my lips so you could feel the tender warmth being released from my soul into your life.)
You should pay rent on my mind for every minute I wonder off my attention from my own existence pointing it at you while picturing your allure silluette defined on our bed sheets after an intimate fulfilling moment of love where our beings become a perfect match before God´s hands.
You should pay rent on my mind for every detail I picture from your charming eyes and how lovely you look so everyone´s breathless gazing your aura (for a second the air inside our room would vanish so you could float your way thru me delighting our very selves.)
You should pay rent on my mind for being just you.
A frase "You should pay rent on my mind" vem de uma poesia do Ian Mackey, do Fugazi. Toda a elaboração que se segue tem a minha inspiração.
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